Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Third Interview Questions

1.) What was the most difficult part of being an ER nurse to you and how did you overcome it?
2.) What has been the most important lesson you have learned as an ER?
3.)  How did you manage your time as an ER?
4.) When you were an ER did you ever find yourself needing encouragement to keep going? Why or why not?
5.) Throughout your career as an ER did you ever let your emotions get in the way of your work? Why or Why not?
6.) Did you ever notice any certain type of reoccurring accidents?If so what were they?
7.) What was the craziest accident you encountered and how did you respond?
8.) What educational path is the best to take when wanting to become an ER Nurse?
9.) What do you do to continue your education? Do you attend seminars, read journals, etc.?
10.) How important is it to have a caring attitude toward your patients? Why?